North-West Tester Gathering

Here is a short selection of tiny applications. I'm not going to tell you what they do. They're puzzles: use your testing skills to discover what you can. If you can describe what they do with a couple of short sentences, that's it.

You can, of course, read the code to discover what they do, but that's perhaps a limited approach. The puzzles aren't interesting. Your response is. I hope we'll share a broad collection of responses.

While you play, consider how you (and those around you) are using your testing skills.

It's always interesting to share, but you may frustrate others by telling them your solution before they're ready.


Puzzle 13

Puzzle 22

Puzzle 11

Puzzle 15

Puzzle 17

These are built with HTML and JavaScript to run in 2015-vintage browsers. If they're not working, it's probably my server – but check that you've got JavaScript turned on. Bug notes are welcome.

I'll run a workshop in Manchester in late spring.

You can use these yourself as much as you like. If you'd like to use these in a commercial setting, drop me a line. I usually say yes and will give you an explicit license.

The Black Box Puzzles by James Lyndsay are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Creative Commons License

Real things

Web-based Generate Data by Ben Keen. Here's an unrestricted version on my server.

Raw – graphing tool by Density Design


James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions

@workroomprds, +447904158752

I'm a test strategist with years of broad experience and an interest in adaptive approaches. If you want advice, or if you want me to work with you, I'd be delighted to have a chat. Get in touch.